The Pan-European Investor-Universe Specialists
Zurich luncheon for NYSE listed company, 2018/2019 roadshow to London, Zurich, Geneva, Paris, Monte-Carlo and Stockholm
INVESCORE 2012, a conference roadshow for leading U.S. & Canadian growth companies--co-organized by the Galaxiom Group--took place at the three major Pan-European exchanges, the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich on Oct. 10, the London Stock Exchange on Oct. 12, and NYSE-Euronext in Paris on Oct. 15.  In the framework of plenary sessions and one-on-one or small group meetings, the management of INVESCORE 2012 presenting companies had a chance to share their stories and commercial & financial prospects with the investment communities in 3 major European financial centers, and with the management of the 3 influential European exchanges.
In the framework of INVESCORE 2012, the top management of the presenting companies and the organizers opened the London markets and the NYSE-Euronext market in Paris (which serves as an umbrella to a few other cities). The Swiss Stock Exchange, one of the most influential worldwide, did not have a formal market opening ceremony at the time of INVESCORE 2012.

 "Thank you again for a tremendous introduction to the financial community in EU and UK. The follow-up looks encouraging; keep up the great work!

All the Best, David M. CEO [emerging growth US listed company]

"In my CEO capacity, I had the opportunity to take the company on a Pan-European road show with you. The meetings were very well targeted, and the quality of the parties who participated in our one-on-one meetings and luncheon presentations were of high caliber. Your extensive contacts in the Pan-European investment community are the best I've seen. I believe that emerging companies can greatly benefit from such a large Pan-European exposure to an expanded very high quality investor base.  I strongly recommend your Pan-European Road Shows."

Regards, H.J.M. [former CEO, emerging listed company]

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote emerging growth listed companies and projects to a huge new universe of active investors across Europe, through Pan-European Road Shows, Traveling Conferences and Direct Marketing modalities.  In select cases, we'll take on later stage private companies -- especially those with well defined exits.

Value Proposition

The Pan-European investor community is very large, and they are strongly interested in US, Canadian and other international emerging growth companies and projects. A Pan-European company and stock promoting campaign will expose the story and stock of emerging companies to the greater Pan European financial community.

It opens up a whole new investor universe -- thus creating a significant positive impact on stock price and volumes through the exposure to a very large investment community that closely follows the emerging company markets. It will also increase the value of equity compensations that beneficiaries have.

Such exposure often leads also to strategic alliances and new business. And, capital raise can be added separately (call to discuss affiliate programs), to the degree it is needed. We can also facilitate introductions to local stock markets and market makers for consideration of a dual listing, as we've done many times with prestigious European houses.

The all time high values of the Euro, makes investment in US and other equities relatively cheap -- encouraging European investors to funnel significant capital into these markets. It is also true that the Pan-European markets are less crowded with good emerging growth companies, and thus such companies will receive ample attention. And, Pan-European investors tend to be more patient and less likely to "dump" shares.

The Format

Our Direct Marketing campaign includes mail, E-mail, and phone interaction with the Pan-European investment community. We promote the essence of the company and its value proposition, progress updates and press releases to this large universe of investors.

The next level utilizes the power of personal interaction -- Road Shows. Three general formats are available:

1. Individualized Road Shows (1 - 3 companies)

2. Traveling Conferences/ Stock days (6 - 10 companies)

3. Two-day Switzerland (Zurich & Geneva) or other select cities

--  The format for the individualized road shows is based on a one week trip with luncheon presentations in 4 cities -- usually Zurich, Geneva, London and Paris, the 4 biggest financial centers, with optional added days in Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Munich, Stockholm or Monte Carlo. The presentations take place in impressive venues and are large in European terms.  We also arrange pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings in the mornings and the afternoons.

--  The traveling conference format is a one week trip with conference days in Zurich, Geneva, London, Paris -- the 4 biggest European financial centers. The conference days and the travel between cities are organized in such a way that a small but meaningful leisure time is available in each city (see program). Additional financial centers such as Stockholm, Frankfurt, Monte Carlo, Brussels, and Amsterdam can be incorporated on a more individualized basis. The presentations are large, in European terms, and are organized in impressive venues – including recap lunch and breakout/ one-on-one meetings.

--  The Two-day Switzerland or other select cities format reduces the time the Company executives have to be away from the office (and the cost), by focusing on select markets at a time. The Two-day Switzerland program covers two major financial centers -- Zurich and Geneva -- with a significant number of private banks, asset managers and wealth managers (as well as the likes of UBS).  Other Two-day programs can include London & Paris -- two very large institutional markets -- or other combinations.

The Program

1.   For the individualized road shows, the program is as follows:

  • 9am - 12pm: Pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings
  • 12 - 2pm: Cocktails and presentation lunch
  • 2:30 - 5pm: Pre-scheduled or ad-hoc one-on-one meetings

2.  For the traveling conference, the conference days in each of the four cities start at 9:00am and conclude at 3:00pm, except Wednesday which is a travel & leisure day. Following the programs, the group travels to the next city (except on Tuesday and Friday, which are for late-day leisure or individual business meetings). The programs for the presentation days are as follows:

  • 9am – 12pm:  20 min. presentations per company (order changes from city to city)

  • 9am – 12pm:  Breakout one-on-ones per investors/ analysts requests

  • 12pm – 2pm:  Luncheon, with 10min. company recaps

  • 2pm – 3pm:  Q&A and networking

3.  The program for the Two-day Switzerland or other select cities format, can be based on the individualized road show program or the traveling conference program. Presentations and meetings take place in two consecutive days with travel/ transfer between the two locations during the late afternoon/ evening of the first day.

Whom Will the Companies Meet

The companies will meet a large number of investors/ investment groups (frequently 120+ for a full week program), in a mixture of institutional, portfolio/ asset managers, large and small private banks, and high net worth wealth managers.

There’s also the dissemination effect through word of mouth, and frequent writeups in local financial papers.

In a recent road show for example, we had participants from UBS, Paribas, Lloyd's TSB, ING, Credit Agricole, Lazard, Rothschild, and many more, including prestigious local private banks, and fund/ asset/ portfolio managers.

About Galaxiom

The Galaxiom Group (a Noveltek company) is headquartered in New York City with offices/ affiliates in major European financial centers, and is a spinout of a firm founded in 1983.  It has strong ties to the investment communities in the US and Europe -- including wide contacts on Wall Street and the Major European exchanges. Among US entities, it has the largest reach in the Western European investment community when it comes to Pan-European road shows. Other firms do the European side mainly on an "opportunistic" basis—that is a few introductions here and there. Galaxiom does it on a very large Pan European scale, with significant variety and a very wide reach. We work together with our long standing European partners to provide a targeted exposure tailored to your needs.

The president of the Galaxiom Group is also the author of the international book "POISED FOR GROWTH--Taking Your Business to the Next Level", published by the McGraw-Hill Companies (also publishers of Standard & Poor's). This widely known book deals with the success factors of emerging companies—and it adds significant credibility and influence when we bring a company to the Pan-European investment community.

Our Vice President, spent 20 years on Wall Street, among others with the prestigious firms Deutsche Bank/Alex Brown, Smith Barney and Advest.

Due to our significant business development experience, we also provide an added value by helping companies fine-tune their presentation materials to fit the taste and style of the Pan-European investment community.

Galaxiom and its European partners have organized a large number of Pan-European road shows for companies in diversified market segments—some for well known household names--but mostly for quality growth companies.

Scheduling Considerations

Companies can benefit immediately from a large Pan-European exposure, so the idea is to go as soon as possible, and then follow-up with refresher visits (in 6-12 months, optional) as ongoing developments happen. With this approach, the European investment community already knows about the company, are buying its stock and are following the company, and then can enjoy the upside as the company evolves.

Reserve early to guarantee best time spots, availability of our networks, lock down best venues, and provide ample time for major investment groups to reserve their schedule. Spring and autumn months are especially busy, and require a comfortable lead-time.



Contact Information

Gabor (Gabe) Baumann, President
Tina Posniak, Vice President

Phone/Fax:  Tel. 646-244-0098;  Fax 212-370-0925 


Main Office: 521 Fifth Ave., Suite 1700, New York, NY 10175, USA

Our Website: